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Voice penpal legit and trusted

πŸ’ŽOpen the linkπŸ‘†
πŸ’Ž Tap voice Message
πŸ’Ž Tap ok
πŸ’Ž Download the app
πŸ’Ž Open app and fill up the requirements
πŸ’Ž Record anything about you OR JUST TAP THE RECORD BUTTON
πŸ’ŽLink your account gmail
πŸ’Ž Go back to my link & tap again
πŸ’Ž Tap voice message
πŸ’ŽTap follow and send
πŸ’ŽRecord a message 6 sec.
πŸ’ŽCheck the gem box
πŸ’ŽSend it to me i will reply

0.01$ per messages send/reply per person
πŸ’ŒPag naubusan ng gem view ads
πŸ’ŒFree account limited earn
πŸ’ŒVip account unlimited earn